During the last decades, Nepal has gone through a lot of socio-political transformation which has not only created new avenues and opportunities for the overall development of the society in various sectors such as, education, and social justice, protection of cultural, geographical and natural  heritages but also germinated the challenges of coping with the high public aspiration of economic growth and overall prosperity of the country. There is a high demand of physical development in the society embodied with the protection of cultural and traditional values. Science, technology and innovation have an important role to play in this regard, protecting the cultural values, and safeguarding peace and harmony in the region. This requires strong interdisciplinary networking and collaboration among the scholars of South Asia and of the rest of the world towards meeting the sustainable development goals. In this context, with generous financial support from Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany, we are going to host the Humboldt-kolleg in Kathmandu with the theme "Interdisciplinary Collaboration for Strengthening Science and Culture". We invite the Humboldtians of the South Asian Region, Asia Pacific and rest of the world to send papers in the thematic areas of the conference and look forwards to welcome you soon in Kathmandu.

The prime objective of the proposed Kolleg lies in utilizing the network of Humboldtians in the South Asian region and the rest of the world to promote interdisciplinary collaboration toward meeting the sustainable development goals. The specific objectives are:
  • Strengthen interdisciplinary collaboration at local, regional and international levels among Humboldtians and other scholars across the disciplines;
  • Share the ideas and experience of the Humboldtians to combat the societal problems; related to education and research, innovation and entrepreneurship, epidemics and other disasters, climate change and biodiversity;
  • Synthesize the current trends and prospects of interdisciplinary collaboration, research, development and sustainability in the society; and
  • Link science, culture, and virtues and thus safeguard peace and harmony.
There will be a Plenary Lecture by a prominent scientist/scholar, overview keynote lectures (provided by well-known scientists and scholars), invited presentation (by Humboldt Fellows and Senior Experts). Other prominent researchers, prospective Humboldt Fellows and young scientists will have opportunity to present and discuss their finding in dedicated Poster Sessions.

In addition, there will be dedicated, Panel-Audience Discussion in the topic Interdisciplinary Collaboration for Sustainable Development: Challenges and Opportunities.

We welcome all the invited speaker and delegates to the conference and look forwards to having successful conference.  We cordially thank alexander von Humboldt Foundation for financial support of the conference.

Plenary Speakers

Prof. Dr. Sabu Thomas

Prof. Dr. Sabu Thomas

Mahatma Gandhi University, INDIA

Keynote Speakers

Prof. Dr. Harald GROSS

Prof. Dr. Harald GROSS

University of Tübingen, GERMANY
Prof. Dr. Christian KLINKE

Prof. Dr. Christian KLINKE

University of Rostock, GERMANY
Prof. Dr. Holger SCHÖNHERR

Prof. Dr. Holger SCHÖNHERR

University of Siegen, GERMANY


Leibniz-IFW Dresden, GERMANY